8 Pin Tubular Lock Picks
Tubular locks have a variety of pins arranged in a circular pattern, most tubular locks use 7 or 8 pins, some may even have off set pins.
The Tubular Lock Picks have feeler picks that spiral the tube and correspond to pins in a tubular lock. When the Tubular Lock Pick is inserted into a lock, the lock pin springs cause resistance moving the feeler picks. When set correctly, the different depths of the feeler picks will mimic the locks key causing the lock to open when rotated.
Made in USA
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1 Review Hide Reviews Show Reviews
One Pick to rule them all
My #1 go to tool for these kinds of things. Comes with extra consumables & repair parts. Quality build, solid. Opened the first 20 locks I tried it against easier than ever. Can’t believe I waited so long to replace my older stuff.