Folding Pocket Set

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The Jack Knife has 7 picks and 1 Bullnose tension tool.  The handle is molded from glass filled nylon; this material is extremely light and durable.  

Upon request we can modify the "Jack Knife" lock picks to better fit your needs.

7 Piece .020 Thickness

  • #02 - Small Diamond
  • #05 - Single Ball
  • #08 - Short Hook (flat top)
  • #11 - Snake (3/7 raker)
  • #12 - Camel Back
  • #13 - Saw Tooth
  • #9E - FALE Reach
  • #Bullnose Tension Tool

6 Piece .025 Thickness

  • 6 brand new pick profiles in .025 (as seen in picture when selected).

Made In The USA

If for any reason this product fails return item for a free repair or replacement.



60 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    7 Pick Gray

    Posted by Mark on 28th Apr 2020

    You can’t beat this thing on price or utility. Great product that makes a fantastic emergency pick set or just for throwing in your pocket to practice pick wherever you find yourself. It’s even better that it can be setup from the seller to contain any picks you want from their stock of replacement picks. How can you go wrong with that kind of service? Get one and you won’t be disappointed.

  • 5
    Super light! great little pocket pick set

    Posted by N P on 26th Mar 2020

    This is great and worth every penny, The only small problem I see is the tension tool pops out a little too easy and can become lost. Kind of an issue with most pick sets like these. Still 5 stars though.

  • 4
    RCS Jack Knife

    Posted by Dustin on 3rd Mar 2020

    Makes a great EDC. Tips are all very well finished and lock into position tightly. If I had one minor issue, it would be the tension tool. I will probably taper the end to fit smaller keyways a little better.

  • 5
    Great pocket carry set!

    Posted by Brad on 2nd Jun 2019

    The pack of gum that can open locks. I love how easy this is to take apart and rearrange or replace picks. I customized my picks at order and they were super fast about it.

  • 5
    Amazing little dude

    Posted by Irm on 14th Apr 2019

    After hand finishing the pics to a mirror finish, this little dude is lethal! Much better feedback in hand than my SouthOrd jackknife. Absolutely buy this thing, actually buy two!!!

  • 5
    Jackknife 7p

    Posted by Chris f on 11th Jul 2018

    This is awesome! Well designed and compact . Perfect EDC item, good selection of tools .

  • 5
    Great suggestion from BosnianBill

    Posted by Matt on 3rd Jul 2018

    I'm a novice picker and I wanted a very small kit I could carry around to practice picking on the go. I saw BosnianBill of the locklab do a video on this set and it looked perfect. It's extremely light weight, the tensioner locks in solidly, all the picks are very smooth and well machined, and the lockup is extremely tight and easy to use. If there is one thing I would like to see in a 2.0 version of this tool, it would be some way to incorporate a top of the keyway tensioner in addition to the bottom one. A lot of the small locks I've been practicing on are just too small to use the medium sized tensioner included in this kit, so I have to use a top tensioner from a different kit. But for most door locks or full sized padlock the included tensioner works just fine.

  • 5
    Best Lockpick tool I have used

    Posted by Alice Rosenberg on 5th Mar 2018

    I own a lot of sets, and this pick set is by far my go-to. It's extremely lightweight which is a huge selling point, and all the parts move well.

  • 5
    Great set

    Posted by Michael on 12th Oct 2017

    This is a perfect, small, lightweight set which includes all the most common tools necessary to pick pin tumbler locks. I love that the tension wrench slides into the case. It keeps everything together. This is the most well-designed lockpick set on the market.

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